Season 2, Episode 8 “Better call Saul”
This was easily the best cold opening ever on the show. In the middle of Season 2, Walt and Jesse are cooking meth in the RV again and using Jesse’s friends Skinny Pete, Combo, and Badger as street dealers. The scene opens with Badger sitting on a park bench. Badger is approached by a very thin and nervous looking guy, who sits down on the bench and asks if he’s selling. Badger refuses, saying he “smells bacon” and laughs while pointing out the “inconspicuously parked” van with the Duke City Flowers logo on it. Badger even suggests to the guy that he and his police colleagues use a garbage truck instead, as that’s “less suspicious looking.” However, the guy is persistent and keeps insisting he’s not a cop. He even lifts up his shirt to prove he’s not wearing a wire, which causes Badger to point out how pale he is. Badger then asks the guy to find another way to prove he’s not a cop. The guy tells Badger that if Badger formally asks him if he’s a cop, he is constitutionally mandated to honestly answer him. Badger believes him and formally asks if he’s a cop. The guy tells him no and Badger tells him the price. The guy complains that the meth is overpriced, but then reluctantly agrees. The two complete the deal on the bench and the guy motions to walk-away. However the guy quickly turns around, pulls a gun out from a leg holster and shouts “Albuquerque police your under arrest.” We hear sirens and two vans quickly appear.
If this scene had a greater impact on the overarching story of the show, or involved more important characters, I would have considered placing it number one. The acting by Matt L. Jones and D.J. Qualls is superb here and the scene is expertly written. The back and forth between Badger and the undercover is hilarious. Badger remains his happy-go-lucky and immature self throughout the scene, while the undercover cop remains casual and unassuming. Badger teases the cop and the cop simply acts like an overly nice and nerdy guy who just wants to buy some meth. With his scrawny body and shy demeanor, this guy could not look less like a cop. Which of course makes the final reveal all the more shocking. Additionally, doesn’t it make perfect sense that Badger would believe he had a constitutional right to know whether or not this guy was a cop? A great scene of comic relief from the always welcome Badger.
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